' ' ' 'Crafty Endeavours: Christmas in July

Saturday 15 July 2017

Christmas in July

Yes... you're reading correctly, I have made a Christmas card and it's not Autumn yet! So unlike me...

I only did it because I was in search of a Winged Thing for my second inspiration post for the Country View Challenge and I spotted this yet un-inked robin.
I know that robins exist all year round but still, it's an instantly recognisable Christmas image so I went with that.

Maybe a mistake because what with the extreme heat (30C in the UK is extreme!), I feel I let down my robin and didn't give him the attention it deserved.

I stamped this Crafty Individual image (CI-456) with Memory grey dye ink on watercolour card and applied colour with watercolour pencils. A spritz or 2 of water started activating the colours and, with a wet brush, I touched the areas that needed definition.
I hesitated for a long time and added with a fine liner some dark accents, including the top portion of the bird. I'm not sure if it was the best idea...

The rest is fairly easy with a few die-cuts (MFT- Blueprint 7) from an old Graphic 45 paper pad.

It's a good design for Christmas makes as the bird is small enough to make the colouring quick and mass production a real possibility.

Over to you... you can enter our Country View Challenge with any Winged image and don't forget you could win a £20 voucher if you do!

Thanks for coming by,
I am entering the Vintage Journey challenge, since my papers have a definite Vintage vibe, although my bird is timeless! And the  Polkadoodles challenge.


  1. Beautiful card Christine!!! I just love this robin from the Crafty Individuals!!! xx

  2. Awww Christine he's a cutie alright. We are our own worst critics but trust me the hi-lighting looks brilliant, good idea.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  3. A wonderful robin stamp and you coloured it so beautifully.

    I can't even get my head around Christmas card making in December so well done for making this terrific card in July

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Beautiful card. Lovely effect with colouring and spritzing. Love how you have added the yellow to the breast it really makes the red pop. That is such a great idea. This heat is draining isn't it. It was still 39 here last night at 9.30 p.m. :)
    Have a lovely Sunday.
    Flo x

  5. That is a splendid Christmas Robin. Getting ahead of the game with the Christmas cards is such a good idea, I hate that panic in October feeling. Well done for getting started in July. x

  6. Une petite merveille de carte, ton oiseau est superbement aquarellé et adorable !!!!
    C'est drôle, car je ne sais pas si tu as pu jeter un oeil sur Hochanda avant-hier... Je n'ai pas eu le temps de l'annoncer sur mon blog, mais il y avait 2 shows CI, et ce tampon faisait partie de la sélection, donc il y avait pas mal de cartes en exemple ! Mais rien de mémoire qui ressemblait à cette colorisation... Si tu as loupé les shows, ils sont encore accessibles de replay quelques jours je pense.
    Bises et bon dimanche.

  7. J'ai mis bien sûr ta carte sur mon board d'inspiration Crafty Individuals ! :-)

  8. A beautiful Christmas card, your little robin is lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. What a gorgeous image and beautiful composition! We are thrilled to have you join our challenge at A Vintage Journey. Hugs, Autumn

    1. I'm so happy to see that you won the prize at AVJ! Congratulations!!!

  10. I love this Christine, such a pretty stamp and he looks wonderful here xx

  11. He's super Christine...I do love robins.such great things with wings! xx

  12. It´s a lovely Robin, Christine! I like your accents with the fine liner! Beautiful christmas card!
    xxx Evelyn

  13. He's delightful, as all robins are. I think the fineliner detailing works to add definition, but I also love how the soft spritzed colour escapes beyond those lines.
    Alison x

  14. Should also have said thanks so much for joining us on A Vintage Journey.
    Alison x

  15. Fab make. Thanks for joining us in our Anything Goes challenge at Polkadoodles
    Anjie (DT)

  16. Congratulations on winning the prize at A Vintage Journey! Beautiful card!
