Wednesday, 3 September 2014

CB Quote challenge Peaceful & Grace

For the latest Craft Barn challenge I found lots of serious quotes with either religious (grace) or political (peaceful) connotations, and it was hard to find a quote that was neither. I settled on this William Shakespeare quote, it turns out this is part of a play he wrote.

For the design, I started with the resolution to use scraps, and all of the paper & cardstock are scraps (except the background piece). I should be pleased but it's such a drop in the ocean!

For the background I used my rock paper, which is water resistant, and applied watercolour on top.
With a stencil I added sand texture coloured in green, and whilst I add the India Ink out after penning the quote, I decided to do some splatters....
I stamped some texture with a Muslin stamp (Impression Obsession), then decided the stencilled motifs were too green so I rubbed some gold oil pastels to knock them back and, hopefully, make them more interesting.

The papers are from Crafty Individuals (Summer), HOTP (Home Grown)  and PaperArtsy (Chatsworth), the latter has sprays and stamping from a previous make.
The ticket (I cut it in 2) is from a 6"x6"Docrafts stamp.

Thanks for coming by,


  1. A fantastic card, great layers and texture.

  2. Oh it's fabulous!! love the use of all your scraps to give you those wonderful layers.

  3. Brilliant use of your scraps and Shakespeare sounds quite modern in that quote (what a guy!)
    This is my first time joining in with the Q&L Challenge.

  4. What a fabulous page. SO much interest to look at and the textures are wonderful. I like the quote. Thank you for your quote on my post too :D

  5. Fabulous quote, loads of layers and using up your scraps, all these make a wonderful card, well done! :-) xxx

  6. Love those layers and texture. I fight a losing battle with my scraps box - I use some up then put more in!

  7. Talk about IMPRESSED!! Your scraps are a lot lovelier than mine. Or maybe you just know what to do with them better than I. I was really in awe and in love with this even before I noticed the quote. You can definitely pat yourself on the back, not necessarily for using the scraps, but for creating such a AWESOME entry with them.

  8. Love all the texture and layers in this and a great way of using up scraps. Love the quote too.

  9. A great piece full of colour and texture, love the Will Shakespeare quote

  10. Ta carte est plutôt chouette (même très chouette), et bravo pour la citation car pas facile en effet d'en trouver une sur ce thème! Quand à la goutte d'eau dans l'ocean, tu m'as fait bien rire ! C'est tellement vrai en plus :))) Bon week-end, bizz

  11. You turned your scraps into a very elegant piece of art. I really like the quote you chose, too.

  12. I like how the page went together. Very clever.

    1. I loved your page too with its bright colours and the song... one of my favourite!

  13. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful work! LOVE the whole page! The texture on the background is GORGEOUS!

  14. Love this page, the layers and texture are great and the quote is fab.

  15. I love the background, so many great details :)

  16. A fabulous background for your quote.
