I saw this as the perfect opportunity to kill several birds with one stone, as a) 2 of the stamps from the Artistic Stamper Family Values set were as yet un-inked, b) I wanted to test my new stamping platform.
To make use of the Black & White, Yin and Yang concept I decide to create a flip card. I struggled so much that if I ever feel the need again I will get myself a die to do it for me!

I stamped the Numbers image with black dye ink on linen textured cardstock, and the stamping platform allowed me to go over several times for an acceptable print.
Equally difficult is getting a white enough white with inks, unless this is embossed, so my second test is with the Letters image stamped with white pigment ink, which I stamped many times (I lost count...).
Quite pleased with the result on both counts, so the platform gets my vote!
Thanks for coming by,