Friday, 16 April 2021

Simply Spring

I saw the theme of the We Love Chocolate Baroque challenge and managed to create 
a CAS card with one of their stamp set, Breath of Spring.

All the stamps are from the Breath of Spring set. except the butterflies I added as an afterthought (too MUCH white space), which are by Crafty Individuals (CI-207). 

I stamped the flower in Versamark and brushed pastel (chalks) over the sticky ink to add colour, one of my favourite technique.

Thanks for coming by,
I am also entering the PaperbabeUnikoSSS Wednesday and Allsorts  challenges.


  1. White space can be scary Christine, I'm the same but this turned out beautifully and so elegant with the pretty bloom. Lovely to see you at We Love Chocolate Baroque 'Springtime' theme, thank you.

    B x

  2. Fabulous CAS card, very delicate, elegant and sweet! The corners are a perfect addition to the lovely CB flower, as well the butterflies!
    Thanks for sharing with us at We Love Chocolate Baroque challenge!

  3. A really lovely creation. great CAS card and a lovely choice of colours for the lovely image.
    Thank you for joining our Ribbon challenge at Allsorts and our Springtime challenge at We Love Chocolate Baroque.

  4. Love the effect you achieved with the chalk over Versamark, such a soft look.
    Thanks for sharing at Uniko. :)

  5. Such a pretty card! I love how you used the pastel chalks to colour the stamped flower and wording - amazing 😀. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  6. How beautiful is your card! Thanks for playing at Uniko, hope to see you join in with future challenges too. Stay safe and keep crafting!

  7. Super jolie carte toute en douceur, bravo aussi pour celle-ci qui m'inspire d'ailleurs, je dois réaliser une carte fleurie pour une dame malade... Je vais peut-être suivre cette technique assez simple que je n'ai pas réalisée depuis bien longtemps !

  8. Gorgeous card!
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts and over at We Love Chocolate Baroque Challenges;-))m

  9. Lovely soft effect with the Versmark and chalk, almost radiant xx

  10. This is a beautiful and CAS flower card!
    Thank you for sharing your creativity in the Uniko Spring Challenge #64.
    Creative greetings from Wiebke (Uniko Brand Ambassador)
