Sunday, 1 October 2023

Autumn News

Well... the time has come... along with the falling leaves, shorter days and cold weather,  yes the first of October is the day we kick off the new challenge at Country View Crafts. 

You can read the announcement on the blog but the headline is this: the challenge will be run on the new Country View Crafts Facebook group. Once logged on to Facebook, joining the group is easy, just click on this link, then the "Join Group" button and reply to the questions to prove you are real crafters. 

All the details for entering the challenge, theme, rules etc.. will be available in the group as well.  

Will I be blogging my CVC DT makes you ask? For now, I intend to carry on publishing here because, if nothing else, it's a record for myself of all that I have done in one place and makes it easy to search effectively through my 1000 of posts or so! 

Thanks for coming by, 



  1. A bold move for CVC, I do hope it works as I've head a few did the same then reverted back due to lower entries. Don't really know how it all works as I'm not into FB so will be happy to still see your creations here.

    B x

  2. Coucou, bien sûr que si tu continues ton blog, nous aussi on sera très heureuses de continuer à te lire ! Et aussi peut-être, comme toi, rechercher un article, une technique, etc... Mais pour les challenges de CVC, je comprends leur décision même si je la trouve triste. Toutes les boutiques ont basculé sur les réseaux...:(
    Et sinon, merci merci pour ton dernier message ! Je n'ai pas encore eu le temps d'y répondre (la période est encore bien chargée aïe..), mais déjà, je t'en remercie.
    Bon courage pour tout ça, je t'écris dès que possible si j'ai des idées pour toi... Bises

  3. I'm much more likely to pick up posts on Facebook. Hope it all goes well x
