Now have you ever had cardstock buckle after a layer of embossing? So much that the embossing cracks? Well, me too... For this project I wanted to make sure there would be no buckling so I selected a hard and thick surface, a Tando Wavy Arch.
I used a technique shown by Trish Latimer here. I applied several colours of embossing powders in layers finishing with a WOW Blue Pearl in combination with a stencil and detail white with a Paper Artsy stamp (Hot Pick ESN10). At this stage as there is quite a thick coat of EP the surface turns liquid and it's difficult to keep the details. Still I managed to get the effect I wanted and I had LOTS of fun doing it!
And another pic so you can see the Blue Pearl in action:
I am also entering the Craft Barn and Tando challenges.
Thanks for coming by,