' ' ' 'Crafty Endeavours: Calendar Challenge Week 7

Thursday 15 November 2012

Calendar Challenge Week 7

This week's Calendar challenge at the Craft Barn is about Candles. I wanted to play with wax so the idea for this page has been inspired by Gio's project.

Rather than drop melted candle over the panel (too faint hearted), I shaved the wax candle and used my iron to melt it . To add colour I used shavings of wax crayons, as I didn't have coloured candles.

Sadly a lot of the wax got absorbed in the paper but enough stayed that I could imprint my stamp (Paper Artsy) on top of it. The definition is lost but that's the effect I was after.. London in the fog/rain.

I left this for a few days and decided it was missing something, then inspiration struck. I had in my stash the perfect finishing touch, a London postmark stamp from Crafty Individuals. This time I dropped the candle wax onto the panel and stamped. It didn't go well, so, I re-melted the wax, added some more,  re-stamped... and still the "London" part didn't show very well.
I left it at that as re-melting the candle is not very easy to control and I didn't want to make it worse !
I used mica powders over the wax and black in the recesses, so the postmark would show.

Next time I will go for broke and cover the panel in thick wax !
Would love to know your thoughts on this page...


  1. I think it's great - a London bus coming out of the fog and drizzle! Great idea to iron the wax on the paper and the seal looks good!!

  2. Great project!!

  3. I think it looks great too! Love that seal and the London bus is really nice.

  4. I think this is fabulous. Great stamp. I too had problems melting and stamping wax, as you said most absorbed into the paper. I found that if I waited for the wax to cool just a bit before putting the stamp on it helped some.

  5. A wonderful calendar page, certainly get the feeling of London in the fog, love the wax impression idea.

  6. love the soft background you have made with the wax really goes well with the bus image :)
    Von ♥
